Submitted Conference Content
Full name | Bernard Marie Chiquet |
Job | Founder |
email | bernardmarie [at] integralgovernance [dot] org |
Skypeid | bernardmariechiquet |
Phone number | +33 6 80 33 89 55 |
Company | Integral Governance Institute |
City (Country) | Paris |
Time | 3h00 |
Type of Conference | Conference > 100 attendees |
Level | Everybody |
Comment rendre agile l'ensemble d'une organisation ?
Entrepreneur several times.
CEO in large organizations for 15 years
Founder of Integral Governance Institute for the last 6 years
How to make a whole organization agile? Is it possible to change the organizational operating system so that agility becomes possible within an organization?
The ans wer is yes but you have to replace the old underlined organizational operating system - power system, structure, decision making processes - by a new one that includes fast decision making processes, a new organic struture, new dynamic steering vs predict & control paradigm, authority clarity, new capacities to process tensions and enable meaningful changes, anew integral ground to see organizations. The system i am going to describe and give you an experience by simulation is called Holacracy™. Prerequisites
No pre-requisite Benefits for the attendees
Understanding why agility will not happen in any organization without a more deep update of the structure itself.
Exploring new very practical tools and processes that allow that and get an experience of it.
http://bit.ly/mZ80wk |
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Submitted by ppetit on Mon, 06/13/2011 - 02:02