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Submitted Conference Content

Nom(s) et Prénom(s)

Cherifa Mansoura

JobOffering Lead_rational/IBM
emailcherifamans [at] ca [dot] ibm [dot] com
Phone number514-4577419
Ville (Pays)Montreal/Canada
Type de conférenceConference-Workshop > 100 attendees

Gouvernance du Developpment Agile et Gestion de la performance avec Insight


I have been with IBM since 1998 and Rational since 2005. In a variety of roles within Rational, I acted as a Senior Business Analysts. In the course of several assignments I was responsible for customizing RUP, “agilising”, architecting and deploying a light configuration to several customers. My most recent experience and interests have been focused on working with a World Wide IBM Rational team. I led and project managed the development of packaged Service Offering in the agile “space”. Initially I led the development of the assets for Rapid Deployment for Agile Delivery package and had used a number of means to achieve this, including using Rational Team Concert as a collaboration tool for the team. Working closely with thought leaders within IBM, I extended my leadership skills within Rational IBM and was a voice for the IBM Agile Solution definition initiative, I collaborated with Scott Ambler and assisted with the development of the Disciplined Agile delivery (DAD) workshop. For the last two years I have been heavily involved in the creation of Agile content within IBM and for the service offerings assets. Moreover, I contributed to the creation of the User Story driven development practice. I acted as an instructor and delivered DAD several times. I am a subject matter expert (SME) supporting the adoption of DAD, Agile planning and Requirements.


Dans l'economie incertaine, comment prendre de bonnes decisions, au bon moment en se basant sur l'information en temps reel, objective et fiable? Comment structurer une demarche de transformation agile en mesurant objectivement la valeur ajoutee de chauqe pratique agile deployee? Venez decouvrir des res reponses lors de cette session consacree a la nouvelle solution de gestion de performance des organisations de developpement agile_rational Insight et comment mesurer vous resultats en utilisant un cadre de reference d'amelioration des objectives d'affaires et operationels.



Bénéfices pour les participants

Understand why we measure? What we measure and how? Discover a framework to help you in your agile transformation How a tool such as Insight can support this measurmenet framework.
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